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Kepentingan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan

By Douglas Delly Dilang, SSS. Keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan (KKP) adalah disiplin ilmu yang mempunyai skop pemakaian luas melibatkan banyak bidang khusus. KKP bertujuan melindungi para pekerja di tempat kerja daripada berlakunya kemalangan, kecederaan, dan pendedahan kepada bahan berbahaya. Oleh kerana insiden atau kemalangan di tempat kerja boleh berlaku pada...

Project Scheduling by Production Management: Earthwork

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. With ever increasing material price especially crude oil price has significantly affect earthwork industry. This due to heavy dependency of heavy machineries to perform work and its main consumables is hydrocarbon product: diesel. Thus, the importance to produce more efficient and dynamic...

More coming up

Extensive effort are being made to obtained recognition and accreditation for us to run our programs and courses for you. In future, we looking to be a place to collect professionals in every fields and to be enabler for the industry to move forward....

Coming soon

This is SIKAR Professionals, a brand new site that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!...

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