
12 posts

CIDB and its Role in Construction Industry

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. CIDB is also a Government Statutory Body under the Ministry of Works of Malaysia established under Act 520 and responsible for developing and regulating the construction sector in Malaysia. CIDB will ensure the program is implemented effectively to achieve the objectives set...


By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. 在现代建筑行业中,我们经常遇到需要向总承包商或客户申请工期延长(EOT)的情况。在最近的 COVID-19 大流行病爆发中也出现了类似的情况,根据马来西亚公共工程局合同表格,EOT 是在不可抗力条款下授予的。然而,EOT 通常是在承包商无法控制的不可恢复的事件中给出的,将需要影响项目的关键路径。马来西亚建筑业的标准做法是使用“时间片窗口分析”方法来评估事件对项目基线的影响。时间片分析利用逻辑链接的基线程序,并相应地进行了影响和原因分析,确定了延迟影响的回顾。这种分析方法适用于在工程中确定完成的当代,并确定延迟的原因。根据我的经验,在应用这种方法时,应在每个窗口中分析计划和已建记录,以确定是什么事件导致了由于关键活动的进度延迟或逻辑上的新非进度变化而引起的关键延迟。 关键的延迟是根据更新后的进度计划的完成日期,以回顾性(针对实际期间)和预测性(针对剩余工作)计算出来的差异。例如,如果1月份的更新计划预测二月份有5天的延迟期间,那就是预测性的延迟期间。如果二月份的计划更新包括了那5天作为实际...

脚手架和支模: CIS23:2021

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. 脚手架和支模是两个常被公众混淆的词汇,它们看起来很相似,但其实有着不同的作用。脚手架的主要作用是为建筑人员提供一个升高的工作平台,有时也会用于支撑一些较小的建筑材料。而用于搭建高架平台的脚手架管一般都要符合 MS 1462-1 标准。而支模的主要作用是在建筑施工或维护过程中支撑建筑物,尤其是在进行翻新工作时。因此,建立支模系统需要按照 BS EN 12813,MS EN 1065 和 BS EN 16031 等不同的材料标准来进行。最近,CIDB 执法检查发现一家承包商在雪兰莪莎阿南的一个项目中使用脚手架材料来搭建支模系统。 需要强调的是,脚手架和支模虽然外观相似,但用途不同,所需材料也不同。因此,在施工或维护过程中,应根据相应标准使用合适的材料来建立脚手架或支模系统,以确保工人的安全和建筑物的稳定性。而在支模系统的建立过程中,使用脚手架材料是不合适的,这也会带来一定的安全隐患。 在脚手架设计方面,通常会在整个工作平台的设计阶段聘请具有执业证书的专业工程师。之后,责任会转移到经过培训、...

Impact of Poor Performance Management Process

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. The focus of establishing Performance Management Process within an organisation is to increase value to the clients and the organisation itself. Careful examination of individual staff performance and its contribution towards organisational goals allows proper intervention methods to be placed on improving...

Risk based on Internal and External Influences

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. Risk identification is the first step outlined in ISO31000:2018 in risk assessment processes (ISO, 2018). The step is immediately following the creation of the scope and context of the organisational risk management procedure. The risk identification process focuses on identifying all...

Review of Performance Management Implementation

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. The first step of adequately developed performance management processes is communicating business objectives. Emphasised the need to share the business goals with their staff members to prevent the double-bind situation. Studies by Kutz (2017) revealed tremendous negative impacts from such situations ranging...

Falsework and Scaffold: Look into CIS23:2021

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. Often, we are confused with two, usually used interchangeably by the public when referring to them: scaffold and falsework. Scaffolds and falsework serve two very different purposes, although they look similar. Scaffold's primary goal is to create an elevated work...

Aerial Mapping: Photogrammetry

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. What is aerial mapping? Aerial mapping is used to conduct map plotting through imaging and data gathering from above through aerial methods. In ancient days, cartography used the known distance between places and landmarks to plan triangulation before the map illustrates the...

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