
13 posts

Aerial Mapping: Photogrammetry

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. What is aerial mapping? Aerial mapping is used to conduct map plotting through imaging and data gathering from above through aerial methods. In ancient days, cartography used the known distance between places and landmarks to plan triangulation before the map illustrates the...

Members NewsHSSE

Emergency Care: ECSI Education Center

We recently launched our membership program with free complimentary basic first aid certification by ECSI. Who is ECSI, and how are they relevant to first aid certification? ECSI is the acronym for Emergency Care & Safety Institute, which is based in the United States. To allow more thorough penetration from...

Brief Look into JKR Sarawak Form of Contracts

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. JKR Form of Contract is a construction contract issued by the Public Works Department of Malaysia to establish legal relations between the contracting parties. Sarawak, the largest territory in the Federation of Malaysia, has published its Form of Contract under the domain...

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