
11 posts
Members Oil and GasHSSE

The Role of Brownfield Development in Oil and Gas

By Ir. Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. Brownfield development plays a vital role in maximizing resource recovery from mature reservoirs. By applying advanced techniques such as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), operators can extract the remaining hydrocarbons that primary and secondary recovery methods might leave behind. These projects minimize...

CIDB and its Role in Construction Industry

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. CIDB is also a Government Statutory Body under the Ministry of Works of Malaysia established under Act 520 and responsible for developing and regulating the construction sector in Malaysia. CIDB will ensure the program is implemented effectively to achieve the objectives set...

在 BOWEC 的第 III 部分和第 X 部分下,专业工程师暂时工作(PETW)

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. 根据马来西亚工程师委员会于2015年8月21日发布的指引1,专业工程师临时工作(PETW)是指注册于该委员会并持有执业证书的专业工程师,受聘从事施工期间临时工程的设计、认可和监督工作。无可否认的是,所有的建筑结构都需要某种类型的设计,无论其性质是永久的还是临时的,以确保其结构的牢固性以及能够达到预期的目的。这也为工人和周围公众的安全形成了基础,并因此已被纳入《工厂和机器(建筑业和工程建设工程)(安全)规例》(BOWEC)中。 PETW(指专业临时工程工作人员)在其专业实践中应遵守的主要设计标准是BS5975 和马来西亚标准系列 MS1462。这包括两个主要类别的临时工程:支模和模板。根据其复杂性和存在性质进一步分类的临时工程分为三类。 第一类:小型临时工程 正如该类别名称所示,这项工作是小型的,当其发生故障时,对安全的影响被保持在尽可能低的水平上。该类别不需要 PEPC(专业工程人员认证),但承包商应进行基本的结构计算和结构稳固性检查,以符合其他相关指南、法律和法规。这类工程的一些...

脚手架和支模: CIS23:2021

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. 脚手架和支模是两个常被公众混淆的词汇,它们看起来很相似,但其实有着不同的作用。脚手架的主要作用是为建筑人员提供一个升高的工作平台,有时也会用于支撑一些较小的建筑材料。而用于搭建高架平台的脚手架管一般都要符合 MS 1462-1 标准。而支模的主要作用是在建筑施工或维护过程中支撑建筑物,尤其是在进行翻新工作时。因此,建立支模系统需要按照 BS EN 12813,MS EN 1065 和 BS EN 16031 等不同的材料标准来进行。最近,CIDB 执法检查发现一家承包商在雪兰莪莎阿南的一个项目中使用脚手架材料来搭建支模系统。 需要强调的是,脚手架和支模虽然外观相似,但用途不同,所需材料也不同。因此,在施工或维护过程中,应根据相应标准使用合适的材料来建立脚手架或支模系统,以确保工人的安全和建筑物的稳定性。而在支模系统的建立过程中,使用脚手架材料是不合适的,这也会带来一定的安全隐患。 在脚手架设计方面,通常会在整个工作平台的设计阶段聘请具有执业证书的专业工程师。之后,责任会转移到经过培训、...

Falsework and Scaffold: Look into CIS23:2021

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. Often, we are confused with two, usually used interchangeably by the public when referring to them: scaffold and falsework. Scaffolds and falsework serve two very different purposes, although they look similar. Scaffold's primary goal is to create an elevated work...

Aerial Mapping: Photogrammetry

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. What is aerial mapping? Aerial mapping is used to conduct map plotting through imaging and data gathering from above through aerial methods. In ancient days, cartography used the known distance between places and landmarks to plan triangulation before the map illustrates the...

Brief Look into JKR Sarawak Form of Contracts

By Ts. Ling, Thomas Kiong, MIEAust., PMP, MMIM. JKR Form of Contract is a construction contract issued by the Public Works Department of Malaysia to establish legal relations between the contracting parties. Sarawak, the largest territory in the Federation of Malaysia, has published its Form of Contract under the domain...

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